What Transformation Takes (SAS Consortium)

This book aims to provide evidence on responsible, effective, transformative INGO transitions to locally-led development across 13 countries. One of the case studies presented features World Vision’s work on the Social Mobilization Tuberculosis (SMT) project in the Philippines. SMT, implemented from 2005 to 2011, was a nationwide initiative that puts community at the heart of the campaign against tuberculosis (TB), a highly contagious airborne disease prevalent in densely populated areas in the country.

The case study documents World Vision’s role in the creation of Iloilo City TB Task Force Federation Incorporated, a federation of active barangay-based task forces mobilized to lead community awareness-raising activities on TB prevention and treatment. The study showcases how World Vision served as a partner and facilitator in developing the technical capacity of the federation and in nurturing linkages at the city-level to ensure they are best placed to continue the fight against TB even after World Vision’s exit in the community.

The book is a product of the Stopping As Success (SAS) project, a consortium of Peace Direct, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, and Search for Common Good, funded by USAID. Their aim is to invite critical reflection among development practitioners on key lessons and best practices in ensuring that community development is locally led, sustainable, effective, culture- and conflict-sensitive, and responsible.