Strategies on Teenage Pregnancy (STEP)

Adolescent pregnancy is a significant global health issue that has far-reaching implications for maternal and child health, as well as socioeconomic development. The Eastern Visayas region of the Philippines has experienced alarmingly high rates of teenage pregnancy. Factors such as limited access to sexual education, contraception, and the influence of social media have been identified as contributors to this issue. Strategies on Teenage Pregnancy (STEP) aimed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of teenage pregnancy in the Eastern Visayas region, with the goal of informing the development of effective strategies to mitigate the risks associated with early pregnancy. Specifically, the study aimed to assess the implementation of programs and activities targeting teenage pregnancy by local and national government and private agencies, explore the perspectives of grassroots health workers, teenage women, and their parents/guardians regarding the factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy and its impact on health and well-being, and identify barriers and facilitators in the delivery of healthcare services for teenage pregnancy.