World Vision helps a young woman find her purpose

World Vision helps a young woman find her purpose
Two years ago, Rosemiah could still remember how she planned taking an Engineering degree in college. Her plan made a quick turn when she was invited to join World Vision’s Culture of Reading (CoR) workshop. Her participation in the training and even the activities after it fueled her passion in teaching. When the 19-year-old teenager enrolled in college, she took a degree in Education.

World Vision’s CoR program aims to improve the reading and comprehension skills of young students, and to develop a habit of and love for reading among children as early as 3 years old. The program also aims to provide adequate and interesting reading materials to students.

One activity of the CoR is to train youth and adult leaders in the community to cascade the reading lessons. Rosemiah is one of the participants during a training in 2018. “It is a newly found passion I didn’t expect I have in me. I grew up as a shy person but this opportunity as a community tutor helps me improve myself,” she said.

As a trained CoR tutor, Rosemiah or Teacher Rose, as called by her tutees, conducts reading sessions in their town hall every weekends. Her participants are children who are categorized as slow readers in their school.

“Teaching young kids is not an easy task because most of them have short attention spans. But I take it as a challenge and even find fun in teaching these kids,” Rosemiah explained.  “But the happiness I feel when I know I have imparted an important learning to these children is unexplainable,” she added.

She also said that there is a high rate of slow readers in her community, especially among children age 10 years old and below. She shared that some of these slow readers would stop schooling because they don’t feel confident with their reading skills.

“I think every child deserves to be provided with quality education based on their learning needs,” said Rosemiah. “This is my newly found purpose and I am willing to be part of this for a long time.”

As a World Vision sponsored child, Rosemiah benefits from child participation and leadership activities that hone children to reach their full potential.


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