Cycle of Generosity


This provided millions —of a changed life.

I can still remember how this changed my perspective towards kindness and generosity.

And let me tell you this cute story.

It was a rainy evening. Everyone’s on a rush while we’re promoting World Vision Run 2017 in Cebu. We faced a lot of rejections and  having the thought of giving up, I whispered to Him, “Lord, please give me hope.”

He did. 

There was a woman with her little boy who walked across our event site. I greeted her and politely asked for her time if she could give us a minute to consider. She moved her palm straight to my face. She smirked at me, then pulled her son and walked away.

The little boy glanced at her mom feeling confused. Few steps away, he handed me a signal, “What is that?”. Then I smiled at him, “It’s for the kids, I’m helping them.” He ran towards me. I told him, “We are sending kids to school.”

The little boy immediately opened his sling bag and handed me this amount.

Enthusiastically, he was even trying to look for more. I just nodded, “It’s okay. Thank you.” After a few seconds, he told me “Ate, I want to help but it’s all that I have.” I just smiled at him “It’s more than enough.” My heart was full!

It was Jesus who gave hope.

It is Him who gives hope even in difficult and seemingly-giving-up situations. 

Until today, this has been a great part of how He molded my perspective towards kindness and generosity. It can never be measured by age or even the degree a person holds. It will never be learned on books or even by instinct — because we are all selfish by nature.

It can only be learned through His heart.

What would Jesus do?

How fully we obey Him?

To what extent are we willing to sacrifice?

It will be the outpouring of our hearts.

It is how we look at God as a provider and a promise-keeper.

He is the source.

He is unlimited.

He even exceeds our prayers.

A great test.

A leap of faith.

An ultimate reward.

It will be easy for us to give when we are full, but it’s another thing when we still choose to give even when we are weak —knowing that God is our ultimate source.

We are secured because He is our financial strength. We can never outweigh who He is.

I declare that we will have the courage to renew our child-like faith, believing that He can move mountains.

Whatever you are planting right now: time, effort, emotions, or even money — invest on the things that matter to Him.

If you’d like to write a book, sow on writers

If you’d like to have more wisdom, sow on mentors

If you’d like to have a partner, sow with the right person.

If you’d like to build good relationships, sow quality time with them

My prayer for you —whatever we are facing, I pray for an increase of HOPE.

You are in the situation where God wants to mold you to be like Him on a rainy season.

#Job5 #AmazingThingsWillHappen

Written by: Anne Dominique Domingo


If you believe helping a child or a World Vision community has created an impact in your life, pass on the kindness and share your story online!

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